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NMIMS Consumer behaviour Solved Assignment April 2025


NMIMS Consumer behaviour Solved Assignment April 2024



NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Consumer Behaviour
Internal Assignment Applicable for April 2024 Examination
Assignment Marks: 30
 All Questions are compulsory
 Marks for each question are specified in brackets
 All answers to be explained in not more than 1000words for question 1 and for question 2 &3 in not more than 500 words for each subsection. Use relevant examples, illustrations as far as possible.
 All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable.
 Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for attempting their assignments, but are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the source of reference.
 Students should write the assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments from other students is not allowed.
 Students should follow the following parameter for answering the assignment questions.
Q1. The Mumbai Metro currently has 3 Metro Routes that are fully operational while another 5 are in various stages of construction. These 5 lines will be gradually opened to citizens of Mumbai by 2024 and they will be fully operational by early 2025. The Mumbai Metro wants
to run campaign in Mumbai to encourage people to switch from private transport to Metro and also shift from auto rickshaws and cabs to Metro as this is faster, safer, quicker and environmentally safe. What can Mumbai Metro do to change commuters’ attitudes towards public transport? (10 Marks)
Q2. Akshaya Tritiya is a significant festival in India, often associated with buying gold and other valuable items. How does the tradition of buying gold on Akshaya Tritiya impact consumer behaviour in India, and what are the psychological factors that drive this behaviour? (10 Marks)
Q3. Answer the following
a. Analyse the current trends in the Indian market that are making marketers and advertising agencies shift from broadcasting to narrow casting. (5 Marks)
b. Take a product category like Fashion Accessories – analyse how consumer behaviour differs for Fashion Accessories in the Online and Offline shopping modes (5 Marks)

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Customize, Normal

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