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NMIMS Customer relationship management solution April 2025


NMIMS Customer relationship management solution



NMIMS Global Access
School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)
Course: Customer Relationship Management
Internal Assignment Applicable for April 2024 Examination
Assignment Marks: 30
 All Questions carry equal marks.
 All Questions are compulsory
 All answers to be explained in not more than 1000 words for question 1 and 2 and for question 3 in not more than 500 words for each subsection. Use relevant examples, illustrations as far as possible.
 All answers to be written individually. Discussion and group work is not advisable.
 Students are free to refer to any books/reference material/website/internet for attempting their assignments, but are not allowed to copy the matter as it is from the source of reference.
 Students should write the assignment in their own words. Copying of assignments from other students is not allowed
 Students should follow the following parameter for answering the assignment questions
Q1. Raghav has started his business and is doing it successfully for quite some time. However, the business has been undergoing a tough competition in the last couple of years and he is planning to start CRM practices for his organization. As a consultant what would you advise him regarding the advantages, disadvantages of CRM. What will you advise him on the prospects of CRM? (10 Marks)

Q2. Your company manufactures LED bulbs for sales both in B2B and B2C markets. However, to build relationships you feel there is a strong need to partner with major customers. Your consultant friend has explained to you about the concept of reciprocation. How would you use the concept of reciprocation to build a strong relationship with your customers? (10 Marks)
Q3. As a Chief Technological Officer, you are about to implement, a CRM solution in your organisation? How will you:
a. Build a strong database of your customers? Modify and update it as necessary? What will be your sources of data? (5 marks)
b. How will you build a CRM roadmap for your technological implementation?
(5 marks)

Additional information

Solution Type

Customize, Normal

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